On Thursday, May 30, 2013 8:19:37 PM UTC+2, Jens wrote:
> How would soft permutations work if you have browser version specific JS 
> hacks/workarounds implemented during JJS compilation? If you have a 
>  workaround for IE6 and a different one for IE7 and you can't mix both, 
> then you are probably in trouble, aren't you? I don't know if that's just a 
> theoretical question or if this case actually exists in todays JJS 
> compiler. I was just wondering about it as I always thought that soft 
> permutations only work well for deferred binding and hard permutations can 
> have the potential to be compiled totally different by the compiler.

It's not theoretical.
There are things done for IE6/IE7 (always interning strings, splitting big 
blocks into smaller, nested ones) and others for WebKit (rewriting ">>"; 
but this one already accounts fro soft perms), and possibly a few other 
things done (or not) depending on properties (not configuration-properties, 
so they could be different per permutation).
I have no idea how soft perms work in this case.

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