Hi all,

since we are adding major features to GWT, we decided to change our release
process for GWT 2.7. I just published GWT 2.7.0-beta1 to maven central and our
file storage <http://goo.gl/pr7km3>.
We are doing this beta to get external feedback on incremental compilation
and GSS.

Incremental compilation is now default with GWT 2.7 and replaces, together
with Super dev mode, the regular old dev mode. Inside of Google we are
already using it for a while now and most of the issues should have already
been dealt with, however we also want to make sure that external users that
might have slightly different use cases will have a working 2.7.0 release.

So please start testing with beta1 and give us lots of feedback on the
or on the issue tracker
<https://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/list>. Please keep in
mind that we did not do any release testing on beta1, so there might be
issues that you do not expect from a release candidate.

Our current plan is to wait until the end of next week for any feedback. If
we do not find any serious external issues we will start the testing
process for an actual release candidate.


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