 I'm using a simple dispatch servlet to dispatch the RPC request to a spring
managed bean:


IMHO, it's quite simple and not intrusive.

On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 8:24 AM, razo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear All,
> am trying to integrate gwt with springframwork i search the web and i
> found many articles like
> http://technophiliac.wordpress.com/2008/08/24/giving-gwt-a-spring-in-its-step/
> and
> http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit/browse_thread/thread/40d2de34a06a17c9/3872814bc0197b16
> it work great with me until i tried to run the application in the host
> mode so i can debug my entire tiers (server and client side) but
> unfortunately the GWT shell do not give me the ability to play with
> web.xml so i cant configure my spring context using the
> DispatcherServlet..
> so do anyone have any idea on how to integrate spring with GWT or how
> can i update the generated web.xml in the host mode so i can configure
> the spring  DispatcherServlet??
> thanks,
> >

"Quand le dernier arbre sera abattu, la dernière rivière asséchée, le
dernier poisson péché, l'homme va s'apercevoir que l'argent n'est pas
- proverbe indien Cri

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