
I want to disable copy/paste from the HTML panel. I have used
onBrowserEvent method, by using this i am able to disable all mouse
events like selecting and right click on HTML panel. But when i do
'Ctrl A' it selects all the content of the panel. To resolve this
issue i have used one javascript native function to disable text

function disableSelection(element){
if (typeof element.onselectstart!="undefined"){
element.unselectable = "on";
element.onselectstart=function(){return false}
}else if (typeof element.style.MozUserSelect!="undefined")
element.style.MozUserSelect = "none";
element.style.cursor = "default";
element.onmousedown=function(){return false;}

This works fine in mozilla but not working in IE. Infect when i do
Ctrl A in mozilla it does not selects text but when i do Ctrl C it
copy all the content of the page.
But in IE Ctrl A itself is not disabling.

Thanks in advance please help me.


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