> That's a good guess, but you have to remember one thing: Javascript's
> only number type is equivalent to Java's double.  It's been a while
> since I've looked at the RPC internals, so things may have changed,
> but it has been true that a byte[] would be converted into the
> equivalent of a double[], and then serialized.

Ouch, right, I faintly remember having read about these implicit

> I'm curious about what you're doing with a byte[] on the client, Axel.

I'm trying to write a file importer for GPS tracks where the user can
use an upload form to submit the file. At the same time I'd really
like to make use of a convenient RPC because the result will be a
Route object. Now unfortunately, the form submit results are just a
formatted HTML string returned by onSubmitComplete callback in the
FormSubmitCompleteEvent. Since I'm not aware of any good way of
assembling the Route object in a non-RPC servlet and serializing it
through the servlet response so that I can easily deserialize it from
the FormSubmitCompleteEvent, for the time I chose a rather inefficient
but easy-to-write approach. I more or less "echo" the file and then
have its contents in the client from where I can then submit them to
an RPC doing the actual conversion, returning the Route object. It's
expensive for the additional round-trip, but then again I wanted
something working now that I may optimize later.

I then encountered that the FormSubmitCompleteEvent contents are
somehow altered by the browser. I therefore decided to Base64-encode
and put it in between <pre></pre> to force the browser to leave the
Base64 string alone. I then originally decided to decode on the client
into a byte[] which would be the Java abstraction of arbitrary file
contents (think of binary GPS track formats) and then submit the byte
[] to the RPC doing the actual track decoding.

After the trouble with the byte[] I now just keep the Base64 string
and submit that to the RPC which then does the Base64-decoding on the
server. All I need to do on the client now is string the <pre></pre>
from the string. Although I like the clever trick with the double
encoding you describe, I think I may stay with Base64 right now
because it makes encoding/decoding more or less transparent to the
client. Yes, it creates a hidden dependency between the echo servlet
and the RPC implementation, but that's all on the server and I feel I
can live with that for now.

If someone can recommend a way to access the RPC serialization
protocol as an API, I could perhaps use that in my echo servlet and do
the conversion to a Route object in one round trip. I may still need
to Base64-encode and wrap in <pre></pre> to avoid distortion of the
form submit results by the browser, but I could then Base64-decode and
afterwards RPC-deserialize on the client. That, I think, would be a
good solution because it would save the extra round trip.

The byte[] problem, at last, seems to he the price we have to pay with
Java vs. JavaScript incompatibilities. Still, better performance in
the RPC implementation for byte[] (de-)serialization I find desirable.

-- Axel
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