I've never done any GWT-Ext programming but as its a build upon GWT.

To perform the items at runtime surely you can simply do:

button.addClickListener(new ClickListener()
    public void onClick(Widget sender)
        String message = myTextField.getText();
        // Do something?

Or am I missing something??

On Nov 15, 3:01 pm, Sandile <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I, a new GWT-Ext programmer, is attempting to craft a functional
> instant messenger using the components in a GWT-Ext window. These
> components are a textarea to display the cinversation and a text field
> for the user to contribute messages, the backend stuff is literally
> taken care of ] - but one problem remains...I cannot change the text
> in the textarea at runtime! Additionally, I cannot get input from the
> text field with a click of the button in the window at runtime! I need
> help to overcome my rookieness! Somebody help me...
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