Hi all

We've deployed a fairly meaty GWT app to about 500 users and for the
vast majority it works a treat.  Unfortunately some of our users (~1%)
are having problems.  It appears that for a minority of users, who are
all using IE6 (and we think are operating behind rather flaky
proxies), they get intermittent delays on random requests which stalls
our app.  We might get 20 sub second requests and then one that gets
randomly delayed by minutes.  We're doing all this over HTTPS.  We're
also polling a method every 30 seconds to check for various updated
data, as well as requests initiated in response to user actions.

Since they're all corporate users we can't often persuade them to
change browsers, and it's not always possible to get them to whitelist
us for exclusion from having to go through their proxy (both of which
solutions nearly always makes their problems go away).

We have introduced better control over timeouts which should give a
better experience for the unlucky few.

Has anyone had any experiences like this and do they have any advice?

-Will M

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