Hi Sanjiv,

It's a really great work!
I'm happy to see that you continue to develop GWT frameworks and
you've developed a new great tool. Actually I'm using GWT-Ext. I'll
check a SmartGWT in my new projects.

Best regards,

On 24 nov, 09:32, francescoNemesi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Sanjiv,
> thanks for your reply, agree with your comments. Re-reading my post I
> agree it might look like I was, in a way, attaching smartGWT. It was
> not meant to come through that way, nor was my intention to praise
> GXT.
> It was only meant to be a comparison between approaches, JSNI vs Pure
> GWT, and I definetely think that using JSNI as the foundation of any
> GWT framework is not the right thing to do. Smart Client is an amazing
> framework, but it is a JavScript framework. Using JSNI leaves you in
> the cold when you need to debug, as an example, but I am sure you know
> all that.
> I think you have done a great job with smartGWT, it looks really great
> and I am sure it will have the success it deserves.
> Regards,
> Francesco
> On Nov 23, 8:34 pm, "Sanjiv Jivan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Fransceso,
> > If you found a library that meets your needs, then good for you.
> > Compile output size and runtime performance are two separate issues. A third
> > party widget written in GWT Java, regardless of how small it compiles down
> > to, doesn't magically make it run fast. Nor does it make it magically render
> > perfectly on all browsers. As an example a TableGrid written in GWT Java
> > could still perform really poorly, and not display consistently on all
> > browsers.  There are obviously several aspects to GWT that helps avoid leaks
> > and such but this does not mean that any third party code written in GWT is
> > 100% leak free. The GWT 1.6 event API is really neat and SmartGWT users
> > it. Well written code is what will perform well and display consistently
> > across various browser.
> > On the issue of performance, there are numerous posts made by paying GXT
> > users that the performance of GWT-Ext is still better than GXT. You can
> > search their forums. This is not to suggest that performance improvements
> > cannot be made in SmartGWT. If you can give specifics, it would certainly
> > help in resolving them. But without specifics like whether it was the
> > initial load time, performance of specific widgets etc it will be difficult
> > to act on. Feel free to post on the SmartGWT forums or create an issue on
> > the smartgwt google code project.
> > On the issue of compile output size :  The SmartClient library is extremely
> > stable and developed over the past 8 years.  If you peruse their forums, you
> > will find that pretty much all questions are met with an answer explaining
> > how the user can accomplish what they're trying to do. Their library is
> > virtually bug free. I realize this is a strong statement, but its true. Only
> > some 4-5 issues were patched post-release. Compare this to the bugs forum of
> > any of your favorite libraries. SmartGWT will inherit these attributes once
> > its past the few initial minor releases and issues are flushed out during
> > this period.  Due to the high level of stability of SmartClient, it can be
> > viewed as the kernel of your web app which should be configured to be
> > gzipped with an "Expires Never" header for a given version. This means that
> > the browser will cache the "kernel" (SmartClient JS files) and the only code
> > that gets downloaded is your application code, and not any code related to
> > the widget / framework. Future releases of SmartGWT will provide a GWT
> > linker that only pulls in the required files so this should cut down the
> > total size of the application.
> > The SmartGWT showcase has some 250 samples which is 6 times more than the
> > GXT showcase so its not quite apples to apples when it comes to initial load
> > time.
> > Finally please read my blog 
> > entryhttp://www.jroller.com/sjivan/entry/smartgwt_1_0_releasedifyou haven't
> > already done so. I go over the SmartGWT fundamentals, the concept of a
> > DataSource and how it will lead to a cleaner architecture and can cut
> > application code significantly. I mention how a master detail page can be
> > written in as little as 10 lines using a reusable DataSource definition that
> > describes an entity / model class. Plus the reduced number of lines of code
> > on the server as well.
> > This is the first release of SmartGWT and while it is quite stable and has
> > been tested and used by early adopters for the past four weeks, users can
> > expect any rough edges / bugs / performance issues / better skins etc to be
> > ironed out over the course of the next few minor releases.
> > As mentioned earlier, if users have found a library that meets their needs,
> > thats great and there's no need to look further. And for the others, feel
> > free to evaluate SmartGWT to see if it helps meet your requirements. If you
> > feel that there are things that can be improved please post on the SmartGWT
> > forum or create an issue on the google code project page.
> > Thanks,
> > Sanjiv
> > On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 5:49 AM, francescoNemesi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > smartGwt looks very appealing and very rich in features, but it is
> > > very slow. This is due to the fact that it is a JSNI wrapper around
> > > the Smart Client framework. This means loosing all the benefits of
> > > having a pure GWT implementation (I will not go into details on this).
> > > I think a comparison with GXT (also known as GWT Ext, at this address
> > >http://extjs.com/products/gxt/) does not make any sense as GXT is a
> > > pure GWT feature implementation and it is lightining fast once
> > > compiled.
> > > The only appropriate comparison would be with gwt-ext (http://
> > > code.google.com/p/gwt-ext/) which is JSNI wrapper around the ExtJS
> > > javascript framework (developed by the same company that developed
> > > GXT), much like smartGwt is a JSNI wrapper around the Smart Client
> > > framework.
> > > This forum is full of people complaining about how slow and cumbersome
> > > gwt-ext is, and I think exactly the same problems will be encountered
> > > with smartGwt.On the other hand GXT is not affected by any of these
> > > issues. True, GXT at the moment is not as rich in features at the
> > > moment, but they are getting there.
> > > I do not work for the ExtJS company, I only talk from experience. I
> > > used the JavaSciprt ExtJS framework for a big project for a full year
> > > and I understand exactly when people say the documentation is poor and
> > > performance slow. Having embranced GWT to progress and to make my life
> > > easier, I would never want to to have the same problems again with Js
> > > frameworks, even less with GWT frameworks with embed the same old Js
> > > issues, like gwt-ext or smartGWT.
> > > GXT is a completely different matter and I think it is a top
> > > framework. I have been using it for a few months now and never gave me
> > > any major issues. It is a pure GWT implementation, no javaScriptObject
> > > or JSNI. Period.
> > > Huge credit to Sanjiv for his work on smartGWT, but personally I think
> > > this is the wrong approach to any GWT framework. JSNI is very useful
> > > if used to integrate the odd js function here and there, not as a
> > > foundation to a framework itself.
> > > Regards,
> > > Francesco
> > > On Nov 23, 10:33 am, "Juan Backson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > I am wondering if the performance is due to too many items inside the
> > > demo
> > > > or it is just slower than gwt-ext?  In gwt-ext, the demo is much 
> > > > smaller.
> > > > On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 10:27 AM, rakesh wagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > great job Sanjeev. Keep up the good work. Always love smart-client.
> > > > > Smart client is much better compared to ext-js as far as licensing is
> > > > > concerned. However the showcase looks little slow compared to the
> > > > > original js based smart-client as well as gwt-ext.
> > > > > Thanks!
> > > > > On Nov 22, 6:48 pm, Tim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > > Excellent Job!
> > > > > > some things are rough around the edges but overall this release is
> > > > > > impressive! Gotta fix those image downloads though. And adding a
> > > > > > couple of the "standard" schemes wouldn't hurt. But you already
> > > > > > mentioned these things in your release announcement post anyway.
> > > Can't
> > > > > > wait.
> > > > > > Cool stuff!
> > > > > > On Nov 22, 8:32 am, ART <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > > > This looks cool.
> > > > > > > Ann.
> > > > > > > On Nov 18, 9:50 am, "Sanjiv Jivan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > > > > Hi all,I have just released SmartGWT 1.0.
> > > > > > > > Here is the release announcement :
> > > > >http://www.jroller.com/sjivan/entry/smartgwt_1_0_released
> > > > > > > > Google Code Project Page :http://code.google.com/p/smartgwt/
> > > > > > > > Showcase Demo :http://www.smartclient.com/smartgwt/showcase/
> > > > > > > > Javadocs :http://www.smartclient.com/smartgwt/javadoc/
> > > > > > > > SmartGWT uses the new GWT 1.6 event API's which is really neat
> > > and
> > > > > works
> > > > > > > > great.
> > > > > > > > Seehttp://
> > > > > code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit-incubator/wiki/ProposedEv...
> > > > > > > > Thanks,
> > > > > > > > Sanjiv

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