
First post to the group, so please be gentle.  I've built a number of
GWT applications.  Up to now, they've all been 100% client side, and
all are really "single user apps", so compiling and deploying them
hasn't been an issue.  I just compile them using the ???-compile.cmd
generated, package up the directory structure, and it's all good.

I'm working on my first application now that needs a server side.
Basically, it's still a stand alone application, I just want it to
communicate with various home automation tools in my house.  They all
talk XML over HTTP, so I built a server side proxy to handle getting
outside the sandbox.  It compiles and runs fine in Eclipse, and under
the ???-shell.cmd execution.  But again, I'm not looking this to be
anything, to the end user, but an application they run local to their
machine.  Both the client and the "server" would run on the same PC,
with the server just there to proxy the XML to the various HTTP

So here is my question.  How do I deploy this?  Grabbing the compiled
code and just running the main.HTML brings up the client UI, but
server side is borked because it's not running.  Is there a bundled
"hosted mode" I can package things up in?  Am I *forced* to build/
deploy some kind of separate tomcat (or other) server?

I tried to find something along these lines in the forums, but I
couldn't.  I apologize if this has been answered before.

Thanks for any assistance.

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