If you want a great library use ext gwt which is not the same as gwt-

Ext Gwt does contain some javascript but it is used for mostly
performace issues. Other than that ext gwt is written in pure java.

The gui widgets it has have basic and advance widgets. It is a great
choice to do something that require some advance widgets. Also the
library does have bugs however it is getting fixed with each version
release while new features get added.

On Dec 19, 7:13 am, "Juan Backson" <juanback...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been using GWT for almost 6 months now.  In the past six months, I
> have tried migrating code from pure GWT to GWT-EXT and then to Smart-GWT.
> They all have drawback:
> GWT - no good looking widget
> GWT-Ext - very buggy and GPL licensing
> Smart-GWT - slow and memory intensive
> Is there any library that has the same capability of Smart-GWT and good
> performance?
> Thanks,
> JB
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