Well, there's Ext-GWT (also referred to as GXT).

The plus is that it is written entirely in Java.  GWT-EXT are JSNI
wrappers for Ext-JS.

The negative is that there is near-zero documentation (and mostly
insufficient code-comments) for it.   Basically you learn it by
looking at source code for the demos or you pay the one developer
thousands of dollars to come teach you.  This is very unfortunate
because in addition to the GUI components there's fairly neat and
robust MVC framework.   But you'll spend a lot of time trying to
figure it out if you don't pay them to come teach you about the

It's a bit buggy, but if you post a bug in the support forums, they
tend to get fixed very promptly but you can only get the fix quickly
if you pay for support/license.  But maintenance releases seem to come
out very frequently (like every 4-5 weeks or so.)

The component library reasonably robust, but chances are you'll find
something you want missing.

Summary:  Except for the gaping absence of documentation, it's pretty
good.   But you have to take that into account as you'll either pay
thousands to learn it or spend hours doing what is essentially
"reverse engineering" it.

On Jan 5, 8:24 am, asianCoolz <jim.the...@gmail.com> wrote:
> can anyone list any similar tool like gwt-ext ? from what i know this
> tool is not free.   i found another call smartclient. how about
> others.. ? which one should i use? seem to me smartclient is free
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