On Friday, December 2, 2016 at 5:48:36 PM UTC+1, vitrums wrote:
> Even though I can read .pom configuration files, I'm not strong in 
> configuring them myself, when it comes to multi-module project. Especially 
> when it comes to packaging servlets as *jar*.

Well, servlets are nothing more than Java classes extending from a specific 
abstract class. What makes it a servlet is how it's used at runtime (when 
used in a WAR to be deployed to a servlet container, then there needs to be 
a servlet mapping, defined either using a @WebServlet annotation or some 
XML in either a WEB-INF/web.xml file in the WAR, or a 
META-INF/web-fragment.xml in a JAR sitting in the WEB-INF/lib of the WAR.

> So I introduced the new module *sandbox-server-lib*. But which files 
> should it consume from *sandbox**-server*? E.g. if I move only 
> *com.mycompany.GreetingServiceImpl.java* under *sandbox-server-lib* I 
> won't have servlet mappings, necessary for jetty to operate during tests in 
> *sandbox-client* (should I duplicate some files and have them in both 
> modules)?

There's no "servlet mappings […] for jetty to operate during tests"; the 
servlet mapping for GWTTestCase tests is defined by a <servlet> element in 
a gwt.xml file.
In other words, when everything is in a single project (like the one 
generated by webAppCreator, or the wizard in Eclipse, or the archetype from 
the org.codehaus.mojo:gwt-maven-plugin), the 
src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml is completely ignored during tests.

> If I move */src/main/webapp,* then I'm not even sure what will be left 
> for  *sandbox-server* to package as *war* and how to deploy it in 
> container. And which dependencies, plugins and configurations would 
> *sandbox-server-lib's* pom require (and what left from *sandbox-server* after 
> all these operations)?

Try with "nothing" :-)
Well, in the server-lib you'll need a dependency on javax.servlet to be 
able to compile your servlet, and in server (the WAR) you'll add a 
dependency on server-lib. No plugin should be needed. 

> I know I'm terribly lost :)

Yes, you look like you're lost :-)
I'm afraid you can't develop in any given technology without learning the 
"basics" (between quotes, because it can mean a lot of things; learning 
curves are steep these days, and tending to become each year steeper than 
the preceding) : what is the classpath, a classloader, a JAR, a WAR, how to 
build a (simple) JAR (using the command-line, or some build tool), how to 
build a (simple) WAR. GWT adds a lot of things to those "basics", 
particularly when your build tool is as opinionated (and broken-by-design) 
as Maven.

I'm a bottom-up learner, first learning how things work (from 
documentation, not experimentation) before doing something with them, 
rather than a top-down learner, first doing things (possibly copy/pasting 
snippets here and there "until it works") then trying to understand how and 
why it all worked. That makes me a terrible teacher for top-down learners, 
who are better served with heavy full-stack frameworks and full scaffolding 
(ultimately leading to a huge amount of third-party code to do a simple 
hello world, if you ask me). Please note that I'm not judging "top-down 
learners", everybody is different and learns differently; I'm only 
acknowledging I'm generally unable to help them. I'm not sure what kind of 
learner you are, just letting you know that if you're a top-down one, then 
I'm probably not the right "teacher", and my gwt-maven-archetypes haven't 
been tailored for you (I *am* expecting average knowledge of Maven *and*

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