There was a change to LinkedHashSet GWT-RPC serialization in 2.7 
Make extra-sure that your gwt-servlet used on server side matches the GWT 
version used for compiling the client side (i.e. that you also updated 
gwt-servlet to 2.8.2)

On Wednesday, June 13, 2018 at 7:47:25 AM UTC+2, dinesh kumar wrote:
> Can you please tell what other details are required?
> Earlier we were on GWT 2.6.0 (not on GWT 1.5) and currently trying to 
> upgrade to GWT 2.8.2.
> On Wednesday, June 13, 2018 at 3:05:47 AM UTC+5:30, Colin Alworth wrote:
>> This happens when the server thinks it can serialize and send an object, 
>> but the client isn't actually capable of deserializing it. In this case, 
>> the class is java.util.LinkedHashSet - the number that follows specifies 
>> more details about how the class was referenced by the server, which the 
>> client must match in order to deserialize correctly.
>> Without more details, it is hard to be specific, but I'd guess that for 
>> an application like yours (without having seen any updates in about 10 
>> years), you might be missing some generics on some other collection. Raw 
>> collections or custom field serializers that just reference Object make it 
>> difficult for the RPC wiring to know what types will actually go over the 
>> wire. It is possible that in GWT 1.5 this behaved differently, but it has 
>> changed since then (I recall both around 2.0 and 2.5 that changes were made 
>> to be more precise and limit application sizes in cases like this).
>> On Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at 7:52:54 AM UTC-5, dinesh kumar wrote:
>>> The above solution fixes the error but now getting another error:
>>> SEVERE: DefaultOperationManager-> Failure dispatching operation
>>> The 
>>> response could not be deserialized
>>> at Unknown.Throwable_1(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.Exception_1(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.RuntimeException_1(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at 
>>> IncompatibleRemoteServiceException_1(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.onResponseReceived(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.$fireOnResponseReceived(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.onReadyStateChange(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.<anonymous>(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.apply_0(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.entry0_0(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.<anonymous>(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> Caused by: 
>>> java.util.LinkedHashSet/1826081506
>>> at Unknown.Throwable_0(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.Exception_0(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at 
>>> SerializationException_0(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.$check(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.$instantiate(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.$readObject(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.deserialize_668(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.deserialize_697(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.$deserialize_0(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.$deserialize(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.$readObject(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.deserialize_337(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.deserialize_335(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.$deserialize_0(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.$deserialize(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.$readObject(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.read_8(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.onResponseReceived(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.$fireOnResponseReceived(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.onReadyStateChange(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.<anonymous>(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.apply_0(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.entry0_0(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> at Unknown.<anonymous>(com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWT-0.js)
>>> On Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at 2:06:25 PM UTC+5:30, Thomas Broyer wrote:
>>>> IIUC, make sure all your <entry-point/> classes implement EntryPoint.
>>>> Before 2.7, entry points weren't cast to EntryPoint, so you only had to 
>>>> have a method with "void onModuleLoad()" signature; starting with GWT 2.7 
>>>> (and specifically this commit: 
>>>> the entry points are cast to EntryPoint.
>>>> On Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at 10:13:13 AM UTC+2, dinesh kumar wrote:
>>>>> I was able to compile my code using latest GWT library.
>>>>> However while running, my i-frame does not load in the browser and 
>>>>> following error displays on the browser console:
>>>>> Tue Jun 12 13:41:26 GMT+530 2018 
>>>>> SEVERE: null
>>>>> java.lang.ClassCastException
>>>>> at Unknown.Throwable_0(
>>>>> at Unknown.Exception_0(
>>>>> at Unknown.RuntimeException_0(
>>>>> at Unknown.ClassCastException_0(
>>>>> at Unknown.checkCriticalType(
>>>>> at 
>>>>> Unknown.throwClassCastExceptionUnlessNull(
>>>>> at 
>>>>> Unknown.init_9(
>>>>> at Unknown.initializeModules(
>>>>> at Unknown.apply_0(
>>>>> at Unknown.entry0_0(
>>>>> at Unknown.anonymous(
>>>>> at Unknown.gwtOnLoad_0(
>>>>> Uncaught Error: java.lang.ClassCastException
>>>>>     at ClassCastException_0.createError 
>>>>> (com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWTdebug-0.js:62059)
>>>>>     at ClassCastException_0.initializeBackingError 
>>>>> (com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWTdebug-0.js:62104)
>>>>>     at ClassCastException_0.Throwable_0 
>>>>> (com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWTdebug-0.js:62009)
>>>>>     at ClassCastException_0.Exception_0 
>>>>> (com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWTdebug-0.js:62145)
>>>>>     at ClassCastException_0.RuntimeException_0 
>>>>> (com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWTdebug-0.js:62179)
>>>>>     at new ClassCastException_0 
>>>>> (com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWTdebug-0.js:480204)
>>>>>     at checkCriticalType 
>>>>> (com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWTdebug-0.js:490918)
>>>>>     at throwClassCastExceptionUnlessNull 
>>>>> (com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWTdebug-0.js:458)
>>>>>     at Array.init_9 (com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWTdebug-0.js:74335)
>>>>>     at initializeModules (com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWTdebug-0.js:46)
>>>>>     at apply_0 (com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWTdebug-0.js:63011)
>>>>>     at entry0_0 (com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWTdebug-0.js:63076)
>>>>>     at com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWTdebug-0.js:63045
>>>>>     at gwtOnLoad_0 (com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWTdebug-0.js:60)
>>>>>     at com.ptc.windchill.wncgwt.WncGWTdebug-0.js:495783
>>>>> On Thursday, June 7, 2018 at 7:11:02 PM UTC+5:30, Colin Alworth wrote:
>>>>>> The errors you are getting aren't related to your Locale supersource 
>>>>>> (or at least not directly), but to the fact that your project has 
>>>>>> conflicting JRE sources which don't make sense, and so cannot be 
>>>>>> compiled. 
>>>>>> Your version of "gwtx" cannot be used with any version of GWT released 
>>>>>> within the last 9 years or so.
>>>>>> The first set of errors in your log, from GWT's internal i18n/etc, 
>>>>>> are the same error you are going to get from every type in your entire 
>>>>>> application, because java.lang.Object is broken in your project:
>>>>>> [ERROR] java.lang.Object cannot be resolved to a type
>>>>>> Searching for shows us the root cause:
>>>>>>    [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/ptc/fox_10/Windchill/srclib/wnc/CoreGWT-src.jar!/gwt/java/lang/'
>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Throwable cannot be resolved 
>>>>>> to a type
>>>>>> And in turn, searching for
>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/ptc/fox_10/Windchill/srclib/wnc/CoreGWT-src.jar!/gwt/java/lang/'
>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] cannot be resolved 
>>>>>> to a type
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/io/'
>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] cannot be 
>>>>>> resolved to a type
>>>>>> And finally
>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/io/'
>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] Line 74: The constructor 
>>>>>> IOException(Throwable) is undefined
>>>>>> which by itself appears crazy, until you see where IOException comes 
>>>>>> from: 
>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwtx-1.5.2.jar!/com/googlecode/gwtx/java/io/emul/java/io/'.
>>>>>> Since GoogleCode is long dead, we can't see the sources there, but 
>>>>>> you can see them in some exported github projects, such as 
>>>>>> You can see there that gwtx is missing this constructor, but GWT 2.8.2 
>>>>>> correctly has it (see 
>>>>>> ).
>>>>>> This is the root issue - IOException is redefined in gwtx, and is 
>>>>>> incompatible with "modern" (i.e. less than 9 years old) gwt-user.jar. 
>>>>>> Fix 
>>>>>> this, and these other resulting issues should go away (though there may 
>>>>>> be 
>>>>>> more issues if you do not entirely remove gwtx.jar, and possibly also 
>>>>>> CoreGWT-src.jar as well, but I cannot say without actually seeing the 
>>>>>> sources inside).
>>>>>> On Thursday, June 7, 2018 at 8:07:23 AM UTC-5, dinesh kumar wrote:
>>>>>>> I have emulated few of the classes for example : java.util.Locale
>>>>>>> But now all my code is always referring to this class instead of jre 
>>>>>>> library. How and where can we specify where to look for?
>>>>>>> On Tuesday, June 5, 2018 at 12:27:44 PM UTC+5:30, dinesh kumar wrote:
>>>>>>>> I have updated to GWT 2.8.2 and getting a compilation error : 
>>>>>>>> Compilation unit 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/i18n/shared/impl/cldr/'
>>>>>>>> is removed due to invalid reference(s):
>>>>>>>>      [java]          java.lang.String
>>>>>>>>      [java]       Compilation unit 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/i18n/client/constants/'
>>>>>>>> is removed due to invalid reference(s):
>>>>>>>>      [java]          java.lang.String
>>>>>>>>      [java]       Compilation unit 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/dom/builder/client/'
>>>>>>>> is removed due to invalid reference(s):
>>>>>>>>      [java]          java.lang.String
>>>>>>>>      [java]       Compilation unit 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/i18n/shared/impl/cldr/'
>>>>>>>> is removed due to invalid reference(s):
>>>>>>>>      [java]          java.lang.String
>>>>>>>>      [java]       Compilation unit 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/i18n/client/impl/cldr/'
>>>>>>>> is removed due to invalid reference(s):
>>>>>>>>      [java]          java.lang.String
>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>> ..
>>>>>>>>    [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/ptc/fox_10/Windchill/srclib/wnc/CoreGWT-src.jar!/gwt/java/lang/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Throwable cannot be resolved 
>>>>>>>> to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/core/client/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Object cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/ptc/fox_10/Windchill/srclib/wnc/CoreGWT-src.jar!/gwt/java/lang/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] cannot be resolved 
>>>>>>>> to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/ptc/fox_10/Windchill/srclib/wnc/CoreGWT-src.jar!/gwt/java/lang/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] 
>>>>>>>> cannot be resolved to a 
>>>>>>>> type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/lang/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Object cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/ptc/fox_10/Windchill/srclib/wnc/CoreGWT-src.jar!/gwt/java/lang/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Exception cannot be resolved 
>>>>>>>> to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/io/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] cannot be 
>>>>>>>> resolved to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/ptc/fox_10/Windchill/srclib/wnc/CoreGWT-src.jar!/gwt/java/io/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.String cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/lang/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Object cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/ptc/fox_10/Windchill/srclib/wnc/CoreGWT-src.jar!/gwt/java/lang/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Exception cannot be resolved 
>>>>>>>> to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/ptc/fox_10/Windchill/srclib/wnc/CoreGWT-src.jar!/gwt/java/lang/reflect/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Object cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/lang/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.String cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/lang/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.util.Spliterator cannot be 
>>>>>>>> resolved to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/javaemul/internal/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.String cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/nio/charset/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Object cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/lang/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Object cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/ptc/fox_10/Windchill/srclib/wnc/CoreGWT-src.jar!/gwt/java/util/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.String cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/lang/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Object cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/util/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Object cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/io/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.String cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/lang/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Throwable cannot be resolved 
>>>>>>>> to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/io/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] cannot be resolved 
>>>>>>>> to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/io/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] Line 74: The constructor 
>>>>>>>> IOException(Throwable) is undefined
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/util/stream/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.util.OptionalDouble cannot be 
>>>>>>>> resolved to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/util/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.util.Comparator cannot be 
>>>>>>>> resolved to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/util/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.util.Comparator cannot be 
>>>>>>>> resolved to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/lang/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.String cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/i18n/client/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.String cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwtx-1.5.2.jar!/com/googlecode/gwtx/java/io/emul/java/io/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Exception cannot be resolved 
>>>>>>>> to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwtx-1.5.2.jar!/com/googlecode/gwtx/java/io/emul/java/io/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] cannot be resolved 
>>>>>>>> to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwtx-1.5.2.jar!/com/googlecode/gwtx/java/io/emul/java/io/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] cannot be resolved 
>>>>>>>> to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/util/stream/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.util.OptionalDouble cannot be 
>>>>>>>> resolved to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/util/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Throwable cannot be resolved 
>>>>>>>> to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/ptc/fox_10/Windchill/srclib/wnc/CoreGWT-src.jar!/gwt/java/lang/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Object cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/util/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Throwable cannot be resolved 
>>>>>>>> to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/util/stream/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.util.OptionalDouble cannot be 
>>>>>>>> resolved to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/util/stream/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Object cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/util/stream/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.AutoCloseable cannot be 
>>>>>>>> resolved to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/util/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.String cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/lang/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Object cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/lang/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Object cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/util/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Object cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/lang/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] cannot be resolved 
>>>>>>>> to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/i18n/client/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] 
>>>>>>>> cannot be resolved to a 
>>>>>>>> type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/i18n/client/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.String cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/i18n/client/constants/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.String cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/ptc/fox_10/Windchill/srclib/wnc/CoreGWT-src.jar!/com/google/gwt/i18n/client/impl/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.String cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/i18n/client/constants/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.String cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/util/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Throwable cannot be resolved 
>>>>>>>> to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/util/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.String cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/lang/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException 
>>>>>>>> cannot be resolved to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/lang/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Object cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/util/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.String cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/util/function/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Object cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/util/function/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.util.Comparator cannot be 
>>>>>>>> resolved to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/util/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Throwable cannot be resolved 
>>>>>>>> to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/util/stream/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.util.Set cannot be resolved to a 
>>>>>>>> type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/lang/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Exception cannot be resolved 
>>>>>>>> to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/util/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Object cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/util/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.util.Collection cannot be 
>>>>>>>> resolved to a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/i18n/shared/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.String cannot be resolved to 
>>>>>>>> a type
>>>>>>>>      [java]       [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>>>>>> 'jar:file:/opt/wnc/3rdPartyJars/lib/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/lang/'
>>>>>>>>      [java]          [ERROR] java.lang.Throwable cannot be resolved 
>>>>>>>> to a type

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