
 --> IDBDatabase idb = Js.uncheckedCast(idbr.result);

would work too.

The point is is uncheckedCast is (AFAIU) considered dangerous.

There are two other casts that perform run-time checks but they have a 1) 
performance penalty and 2) some times throw exceptions not due to a bug but 
because the casting is invalid based on the type definitions GWT compiler knows 

Here is the first type:
   a) Java cast         --> MyObject x = (MyObject) yourObject;
   b) Js checked cast   --> MyObject x = Js.cast(yourObject);
and of course
   c) Js unchecked cast --> MyObject x = Js.uncheckedCast(yourObject);

I think (not sure) that a) and b) are the same at least on development mode. 
Not so sure what they are doing in production mode.

My 2 cents of limited understanding...


On 10/6/19 7:00 AM, Shawn Asamoto-Brown wrote:
OK, this works --> IDBDatabase idb = Js.<IDBDatabase> 

                @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
        public  static  void initIndexedDb(){

                IDBFactory idbf=  IndexedDbGlobal.indexedDB;
                IDBOpenDBRequest idbr=;
                idbr.onsuccess=  new  OnsuccessFn()  {

                        public  Object  onInvoke(elemental2.dom.Event  p0)  {

                                // fails w java.lang.ClassCastException
                                // IDBDatabase idb = (IDBDatabase) idbr.result;
                                // IDBDatabase idb = Js.<IDBDatabase> cast(db);

                                //this works
                                IDBDatabase idb=  Js.<IDBDatabase >  

                                DOMStringList  dsl=  idb.objectStoreNames;

                                dsl.asList().forEach(s->  {
                              "FOUND DB "  +  s);

                                return  idbr.result;

                idbr.onerror=  new  OnerrorFn()  {

                        public  Object  onInvoke(elemental2.dom.Event  p0)  {
                                Log.error("OnerrorFn "  +  p0.type);
                                return  null;

On Sat, Oct 5, 2019 at 10:47 PM Shawn < 
<>> wrote:

    Meant to add that I am sure indexeddb is supported in all the browsers I am 

    Here is the code again ... sorry about the previous formatting.

    IDBFactory idbf = IndexedDbGlobal./indexedDB/;

    IDBOpenDBRequest idbr =*/INDEXEDDB_NAME/*);

    idbr*.*onsuccess = new OnsuccessFn() {


    public Object onInvoke(elemental2.dom.Event p0) {

                                             //error is next

    idb = (IDBDatabase)idbr.result;

    DOMStringList dsl = idb.objectStoreNames;

    dsl.asList().forEach(s -> {

    Log./error/("FOUND DB " + s);


    return idbr.result;



    On Chrome desktop, I find the indexeddb I created in handwritten js code.  
I don't get why there is a ClassCastException in some browsers.  Is 
elemental2-indexeddb or gxt 2.9 (HEAD) not supported everywhere?

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