
I use IntelliJ although I must admit I start the application on the 
command-line as opposed to using IntelliJ to do this.

I have found the command

mvn -Djetty.version=9.4.19.v20190610 war:exploded gwt:devmode

work well for me.

To debug server-side code, in the GWT Maven plugin in pom.xml, I use:


And then connect to that port using IntelliJ's debugger.

I hope that helps!

On Monday, 16 March 2020 12:07:54 UTC+1, Mark Fekete wrote:
> HI all,
> I wonder if anyone is using Intellij and GWT 2.8.2. I 've literally found 
> nothing about this topic.
> My problem is that whenever i want to start and debug my application, it 
> fails because the buildin Jetty-server runs with the wrong version 9.2 
> instead of 9.4.
> The solution is to use a run configuration with a dedicated Jetty server. 
> This is possible  with the "Jetty Runner"-IntelliJ-Plugin which uses Jetty 
> version 9.4. 
> Unfortunately, when I run this configuration in the context of my GWT 
> 2.8.2 project, for some reasons the wrong jetty version is started: 9.2 
> which is located somewher in gwt-dev-xxx.jar
> Any idea how to fix this? Or I'm forced to switch to Eclipse?

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