There's a -eclipse flag you can give to the projectCreator and
applicationCreator scripts that'll generate an Eclipse launch file
letting you launch hosted mode from Eclipse.

Arthur Kalmenson

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 8:43 PM, Superman859 <> wrote:
> I'm just getting started with both GWT and Subversion, and ran into a
> question that I'm hoping some of you may know the answer to.
> I have set up a Subversion repository, and am able to check files in /
> out without issue.  However, I think when I imported the project, that
> I either did something wrong or left something out.  In Eclipse (using
> Subclipse) I checked out the project and noticed that none of the
> import statements for gwt were working.  Furthermore, compile / shell
> scripts do not work either.
> I assume this is because when a project is created using
> projectCreator and applicationCreator, these are specific to the
> machine it is on or something.  I originally created a new project and
> simply uploaded the whole project (all files, including the
> created .project, shell, compile, etc files) to the in a trunk
> folder.  But it seems it isn't this simple, as when you check the
> files out, the gwt library isn't found (perhaps because it is in a
> different location on a different machine) and the scripts do not
> work.
> Can someone please provide a quick overrun of the process needed to
> set up a new project (I know how to use applicationCreator and
> projectCreator), add it to a repository (I know how to use Subversion
> and import and all that, just not sure which files), and any
> additional steps that will need to be taken on machines to be able to
> have a working copy in Eclipse in order to have the libraries found
> and able to use gwt-shell and gwt-compile for testing?
> A brief overrun would be very helpful - I know how to do the
> individual steps such as using Subversion and creating a new GWT
> project and using Subclipse, but I'm just not sure of the process
> needed to put it all together.
> >

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