 I have question regarding the code style that is used by the GWT team. 
I know it's not GWT specific question but it is connected.  In the 
there is  a guide for formatting and structuring the code and here is 
small quote from it:

   1. public
   2. protected
   3. default
   4. private

What is the reason this modifiers to be in this order ?

First thought that come in my mind was about the javadoc but when I 
tested I saw that the standart javadoc tool that comes with the JDK is 
sorting them regarding this order in the documentation and I'm not sure 
that this is the real reason.

For some of my work I'm placing the private members after the public 
modifiers, because they are connected in somehow and If I have to modify 
something they are close each other in the source and it's easy to 
modify both of them without any scrolling and etc.


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