If you watch the "Hello world" starter tutorial for Cappuccino, there
is the basic problem highlighted: He creates an action on the button
to call "swap" to change "Hello world" to "Goodbye" - but he forgets
to actually create the swap method itself, so app crashes and you see
this in firebug:

"Exception... "" - [AppController: swap] unrecognized selector sent to
instance 0x000133 when calling method

Aside from the fact that in GWT first your IDE and if not then then
the compiler will pick that up before you even try to run it and your
IDE will probably auto-write a stub for the fix for you to boot,
Eclipse etc java debugging tools are light years ahead of this, partly
due to Java having strong static typing, which Cappuccino clearly

No big deal in the small, but scale up and you are back to the
javascript maintenance nightmare. It can't compete with Java tooling
nor Java itself. Looks pretty and has a few fancy widgets that do a
bit more out of the box than GWT equivalents. Be interested to see how
they they cope with data structures like hash maps and how you could
hook up widgets using Observer pattern for example.

On Feb 27, 12:18 pm, Rockster <rjan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Looks nice though.
> I checked the video and was impressed....
> (only thing : yet another language to learn Objective J, not hard, but
> again another one...)
> On Feb 26, 2:26 pm, ivo <ivo.reduto.fre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Cappuccino and SproutCore have been around for a while and they are
> > really starting to make an impression on web developers.
> > I've been using GWT in one project for 2 months, and I'm loving it.
> > However I tried out Cappuccino, just to get the felling of it, and I
> > was truly impressed. I was able to re-design the project's UI in
> > Cappuccino in one week, and it seems to me that a lot of my server
> > side code can be re-utilized if I use something like cp2javaws
> > (haven't tried it).
> > So, my question to you guys is how will GWT compete with Cappuccino or
> > SproutCore, (and I'm not even mentioning JavaFX), and if you have
> > anything planned to extend GWT capabilities of building really rich
> > UIs just as easy as Cappuccino.
> > Don't get me wrong, I'm a truly GWT lover. In my opinion GWT is
> > superior in both performance and code security (minimization /
> > obfuscation), but right now I'm really tempted to throw away 2 months
> > of GWT work...
> > Some pointers:http://280atlas.com/(justannounced, I recommend watching the 
> > video)http://cappuccino.org/http://sourceforge.net/projects/cp2javaws/http:......
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