I know this has probably been asked before a few times, but searching
around I didn't find anything specific to help me.
My current site takes about 10 seconds to load for the first time,
mostly down to a 156kb cache file. (for the firefox at least, the
others are similar)

I understand this only needs to be loaded once, but I'd still like to
shave a few seconds of where I can.

* I'm using Eclipse to edit, and to my knowledge I haven't changed the
compiler options, so Obfuscated should be the mode its using. (how can
I check this?). Is there other compiler options or variables I should
know about?

* I notice sites such as gmail have a loading bar that appears near
instantly....if my site must take 10seconds or more to load the first
time, is it possible to do this? (but then how, as its the java itself
taking the time..not the images etc).

* While not directly related using firebug I've determined the images
themselves arnt slowing it down much, but I could still potentially
shave a few 100ms of time by getting everything into one image bundle
rather then a few....but how is this possible when dealing with
googles own image bundles? (say, those used for the Up and Down arrow
into a disclosure panel?).

Finaly, should I wait for 1.6 before working on this level of
optimisation or not?


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