I think you missed the part where Thomas advices you to "ensure your
CSS for the table has "table-
layout: fixed" ".

I also recommend that you try it here:

On Apr 16, 11:07 am, denis56 <denis.ergashb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for your reply Thomas,
> Your suggestion regarding overflow has led to a solution. After
> reading it I have realized that HorizontalPanel within a FlexTable's
> cell becomes effectively a table, but so do the Labels that are added
> to HorizontalPanel. So I just applied a {overflow: hidden} style to
> the innermost table cell - to the Label - and it works! So happy.
> In respect to fixing FlexTable cells' width. I am so far stuck with
> Having each single cell a Label/Panel within with a fixed width. The
> FlexTable itself has a fixed width defined, but what happens is, if
> some of the cells contain no information they get squeezed by the
> other ones, regardless of the {width:xxx} set on them.
> On 14 Apr., 00:39, Thomas Broyer <t.bro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 13 avr, 23:41, denis56 <denis.ergashb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > have already spent some hours trying to set column width in flextable
> > > to a fixed width in pixels. Could maybe someone share experiences how
> > > that is achievable (target browser IE 6). I tried with width attribute
> > > in css, but its not very responsive, especially when cells are empty.
> > > Doing that now through putting label with predefined fixed width, but
> > > that is so ugly and wasteful.
> > You should "just" have to ensure your CSS for the table has "table-
> > layout: fixed" (hint: it'll also speed up the rendering of the table,
> > explicitly telling the browser to not account for the cells' content
> > width)
> > I don't think I had a problem with empty cells, but I'm not even sure
> > I ever had to deal with empty cells...
> > > And one more thing. I have a HorizontalPanel in one of the flextable
> > > cells with 3 labels inside, is there a way to apply "overflow:hidden"
> > > on the last widget? Right now it is being wrapped to the next line,
> > > although overflow: hidden is set.
> > Hmm, it probably depends on the size (intrinsic or explicit) of the
> > HorizontalPanel, if you set the width of the HorizontalPanel with an
> > absolute unit (pixels, for example), you should IMO put
> > overflow:hidden on the flextable's cell, *not* the HorizontalPanel's
> > last cell.
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