I'm going to provide the same response for this and your similar
question about audio (http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-
Toolkit/browse_frm/thread/c739f638ca7679f5?hl=en), as the two
questions are related.

You can embed audio and video in GWT applications, but, in general,
GWT needs to invoke a player (QuickTime, Flash) in order to play
media.  There are various ways to do this, depending on your needs.
For instance, if you can assume the presence of QuickTime, you can
embed a player like this:


My company actually did this for a recent project until we discovered
that QuickTime does not work properly on Windows 64, at which point we
switched to Flash (and the JW FLV player, 
which we embed with the swfobject javascript library (http://
code.google.com/p/swfobject/) that also comes packaged with JW FLV.
We invoke this through GWT with JSNI.

There seem to be a number of open source wrappers around the various
players too, if you want to go that route.  I only can comment on gwt-
voices, which works well, but which we could not use as we needed
pause and seek support.


Janet Leland
Designing Patterns, LLC

On Apr 21, 11:47 pm, "fker...@gmail.com" <fker...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A simple question: can you display video in a GWT application?
> Thanks!

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