On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 3:55 PM, Ben FS <ben.su...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Any HTML page can include any number of GWT modules, and for each one
> the EntryPoint will be called.

And I could have a module without an EntryPoint, as I understand it.

> Each GWT module can include both client-
> side and server-side components, or only client-side components, or
> only server-side components. Additionally, you can have server-side
> stuff that is not part of a GWT module. You can have a GWT module that
> includes all your core or common elements, and another GWT module that
> implements the account management UI and back-end, and another GWT
> module that provides a "latest news" feature, and so on for each "sub-
> application".


> For the "housing": You can write a simple HTML page that includes each
> of these modules directly (link to the .js file for the module and
> provide a DIV slot for the module). Or you can have such HTML
> generated dynamically server-side.


> Or you can have one GWT module that
> itself includes and arranges other GWT modules (the sub-applications).

Perhaps a *really* stupid question, but how do I do that?  I didn't realize
a GWT module could load another one itself.

Sounds like your application is bigger, there are multiple people
> working on it, etc.

Oh yes.  Would that it were smaller.  :-)

> I'd suggest maintaining a single source tree, with
> separate packages for the different modules, and then just let each
> developer check out the parts they modify directly into their project.

Well, I'd just as soon not have one big .war file that everyone is whacking
away on.  For one thing, I'd like to use Maven to version the various
artifacts.  In my dumb example, assume the presence of some sort of housing
artifact (.war, probably), the finance app artifact (another .war? something
else?), the order app artifact (another .war? something else?) that get
pulled together and aggregated into some sort of distribution unit that gets
sent off to clients.  Each client may get a different distribution unit made
up of these building blocks.

> To make this work well, you should set up each module to be packaged
> into its own JAR file (which is how GWT library modules are
> distributed), which then can be included by the developer.

Ah, OK.  I need to do some more reading; I did not realize that GWT library
modules could be distributed as jar files.  If I can do that--as in, work in
isolation in a corner somewhere, set up a stupid little hosted war
environment to test things out with, but then only distribute my end product
as a jar file--to be combined together with my other teams' jar files and
aggregated together into the final war file--that would probably work well.

I'm sure it's in front of me somewhere, but do you have a pointer to get me
started on this packaging method?

Thanks very much for your time and help; it is greatly appreciated.


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