Thanks Salvador. So I am following up in the same thread because I've
spend the last week researching your suggestion (specifically Jetty)
and learning more about GWT and GAE, and I've gotten somewhere, but I
am not sure if I am running down the wrong path.

So I have built a GWT application (just GWT, no GAE) that successfully
calls my external library from the server side (in dev mode, I guess
it uses jetty on localhost:8080). Now, I am trying to understand the
next step.

I *thought* I could reference that GWT application in a new GWT/GAE
app. Let's call them app A and B, respectively, to avoid confusion (or
at least any *more* confusion). I figured app B could somehow be aware
of the servlet from app A and only run it from the client side so the
localhost reference would work. I realized this is foolish since there
is no local processes serving the app A servlet yet (though I was also
having problems if I just launched the app A servlet in the dev
environment and then tried to run app B, but I think that's because I
don't understand the capabilities of the GWT RPC yet).

So I need the client-side of app B to launch jetty to serve the
servlet from app A. Am I on the right track so far? Note that app B is
the goal - app A was written purely as a workaround to call a local
library (which was only possible if I had a local server running to be
able to access that library since GAE knows nothing about it - a leap
in my understanding from the last time I posted here).

So I tried to instantiate the jetty "Server" and "Context" classes to
launch a jetty server if it was not already running, with the
appropriate servlet (written in the original GWT app) on
localhost:myport. If I am right, then I shouldn't even need the client
side of app A to have an EntryPoint - all I need are the RemoteService
classes (sync and async and response), right?

But I think I am misunderstanding what's going on here. For all that
to work, B (which is GAE) has to only reference libraries that GAE
knows about, but I can't seem to get org.mortbay.jetty to work. The
server complains that it can't find the .gwt.xml file for the "Server"
class. Incidentally, it *can* reference the GWT application A (and
find the .gwt.xml file for that application), but the RPC call was
failing from app B because app B couldn't serve the app A servlet.

There are a lot of signs of my total misunderstanding above I am sure,
but your thoughts are appreciated. Basically, can I instantiate jetty
from the client-side of app B to successfully serve app A's servlet at
a localhost url and reach it via GWT's RPC using the client classes of
app A from the client-side code of app B? If I can, do I have to do
some sort of install of jetty stuff on the client machine?

I am sure there are a ton of other questions/steps in this workflow
that I am missing, but that's the jist I think. Basically, this is an
app that will need to be deployed easily. I am not opposed to
distributing some jetty service app with it, but I don't want users to
have to do anything manual to get the local data server up if needed
by the main GAE app (B).

Thanks in advance for any time/attention anyone spends on this issue.
I would imagine that this will be a common need for a company like
mine that regularly uses external vendor libraries in desktop
applications to switch to the GAE framework, so hopefully the solution
here is pretty straightforward and it's just my lack of familiarity
with web development/Java that is causing the problem.

-- V

On Apr 19, 11:09 pm, Salvador Diaz <> wrote:
> > Am I going to be forced to write a local server that serves the
> > responses to requests for interacting with my vendor classes. Ugh.
> Yes you're going to have to write server-side code, no you don't have
> to write a local server, jetty, tomcat, winstone (which is only ~150kB
> by the way) or any other servlet container will do
> > Surely there is a better way?
> I don't think so, short of finding an equivalent library tailored
> specifically ot be used as client-side GWT code
> Cheers,
> Salvador
> On Apr 19, 11:39 pm,venk<> wrote:
> > Hello all -
> > I will caveat this post by saying that I am new to GWT and relatively
> > new to web applications/java, having spent most of my programming
> > hours in a MS environment (most notably C#). But, I am having the
> > darnedest time trying to figure out how to do one thing.
> > I have a .jar of compiled classes (sorry, don't know the right
> > terminology) that was provided by a vendor, i.e. there is little
> > chance I will get the original source or get a jar with the source
> > included. I would like to write a "hybrid" google-based app that
> > allows the user to use the classes in that file (assume it is
> > installed locally on all user machines) but also is deployed using the
> > google app engine.
> > I am open to any way in which this can be accomplished. I have thought
> > I could have a "heavy" desktop-type app that does the interaction with
> > the vendor classes in the GAE/GWT framework, but that is proving
> > difficult. I am using the eclipse IDE with the google plugins. I also
> > thought maybe I could write a google desktop gadget using GWT to do
> > the local interaction.
> > Am I going to be forced to write a local server that serves the
> > responses to requests for interacting with my vendor classes. Ugh.
> > Surely there is a better way?
> > Thanks to all.
> > -- V
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