I wrote a post like yours asking for a guidance or something that it
can explain how I can create
my own handlers and events, and how I can make a drag & drop using
mouse handlers but my issue disappeared.

On 27 abr, 17:55, Micky <micky.johns...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I’m building an application that is similar in layout to the Showcase
> example that is part of the GWT 1.6 install  - there is central
> DeckPanel that contains a number of content widgets and only one of
> these widgets can be displayed at any one time. However, whereas the
> content widget being displayed in the Showcase example is controlled
> by the Tree on the left of the screen, my content widgets need to
> cause other content widgets to display.
> I’d like to be able to fire an event (e.g. ChangeContentWidgetEvent)
> from the content widgets and then have an application level handler
> manage the change in the DeckPanel.
> Do I need to create a custom event for this? If so, can someone
> provide some guidance or good articles on doing so? Is there a better
> approach to what I’m trying to do?
> Thanks.
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