Wrote the following code, and then realized that I can't translate
this to javascript:

  public <T extends Entity> T create(Class<T> type, long id) {
    T t = type.newInstance();
    return type.cast(t);

Two problems:
(1) Class.newInstance not implemented
(2) Class.cast not implemented

Class.cast should be easy to implement, since it's pretty much just an
identity function. I.e.
type.cast(t) --> t

Class.newInstance() seems also relatively easy to implement. Just
another prototype function to
the class literal object?

This is regarding the following issue:

It's apparently low priority. But it seems it could be implemented
easily. Am I wrong? Can I add this
functionality myself? Any pointers? Unfortunately I'm just getting
started with GWT, so I don't have
a good understanding of how this works under the hood yet.

Thank you

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