Hi Harjit,

Assuming that you really need these windows to be actual native browser
windows (and not simply popup panels, in which case you could use the
PopupPanel class), and further assuming that the HTML in the new windows
will need to be populated with some data from the server-side, here is a
proposed solution.

Let's say you want to have some link-styled text that can be clicked to
create the new window. You could do this by creating an HTML snippet and
adding a click handler to it. You would also need to style the HTML snippet
to make it look like a link.

In the click handler, you could make a callback to your server-side that
could read in whatever data is passed in the call and generate an HTML page
that will be served in the new window. Once the RPC completes, you can
create a new window sourced to the generated HTML page in the onSuccess()

Alternatively, you could pre-generated these pages in timed background RPCs
and simply create an anchor tag sourced to the generated pages once they're

Hope that helps,
-Sumit Chandel

On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 2:15 PM, harjit.singh <
harjit.si...@content-studios.com> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I have an GWT application. Right now what I'm doing is that I'm
> displaying the data in a single grid with all the buttons in a row .
> Each button has a listener. when i click one of the buttons, it hides
> the other widgets and displays the required widgets on the same page
> and displays some data on the same page. I have added a back button to
> the page and when the back button is clicked the app hides the panels
> and displays the other panels.
> What I need to do is following
> 1) instead of having a button I need a link and when that link is
> clicked it would open the a URL in a seperate window and then later on
> display some data in that window.
> What approach should I take ?
> How can I have multiple htmls and call them from the GWT module or
> have multiple entry points to the application and call it ?
> Thanks
> -
> >

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