did you do a compile before you deployed it.

When you are in hosted mode just tell it to compile the application.
You will see a button in hosted mode called 'Compile/Browse'.  This
will compile your application and launch a browser to view it.

At this point you have all the code compiled and ready to deploy in
your war dir.

Assuming you are using GWT 1.6

On May 31, 3:10 pm, Natman <em...@mystudiosessions.com> wrote:
> Hey there.
> I'm a complete newbie with GWT. I completed the StockWatcher tutorial
> and it works locally but when I upload the files to my webserver and
> load the hosted.html file, all I get is "This html file is for hosted
> mode support.". I reread the tutorial but can't seem to connect the
> dots where I went wrong. I did some searching around and couldn't find
> any help. Anyone have an idea where to go from here or where I may
> have went wrong?
> I did some sleuthing to help:
> In Firefox's error console, I get an error "external.gwtOnLoad in not
> a function"
> I also tried calling the stockwatcher.nocache.js java script from a
> brand new html file but all I got was the CSS background color. I
> didn't get the "external.gwtOnLoad in not a function",error but i did
> get "a is null".
> I'm sure there's a simple solution to this, maybe I took a wrong turn
> somewhere or skipping a step but I would surely appreciate any help so
> I can move on to more cool stuff. Thanks in advance!
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