I'm going through the StockWatcher tutorial and I get to the RPC part

At the first test point I get this error message as expected ...

 [ERROR] Type 'com.google.gwt.sample.stockwatcher.client.StockPrice'
was not serializable
 and has no concrete serializable subtypes

However, after putting in the code to "fix" it ... I still get the
same error.  What am I missing?

Here is my StockPrice class ...

package com.google.gwt.sample.stockwatcher.client;

import java.io.Serializable;

public class StockPrice implements Serializable {
        private String symbol;
        private double price;
        private double change;

        public StockPrice(String symbol, double price, double change) {
                this.symbol = symbol;
                this.price = price;
                this.change = change;

        public String getSymbol() { return this.symbol; }
        public double getPrice() { return this.price; }
        public double getChange() { return this.change; }

        public double getChangePercent() {
                return 100.0 * this.change / this.price;

        public void setSymbol(String symbol) { this.symbol = symbol; }
        public void setPrice(double price) { this.price = price; }
        public void setChange(double change) { this.change = change; }

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