I did not attend Google I/O but as soon as the video "Google I/O 2009
- Best Practices for Architecting GWT App" (http://www.youtube.com/
watch?v=PDuhR18-EdM) was posted I reviewed it and was a bit confused
by the idea of an EventBus.

>From what I can tell the idea is that UI widgets requiring data from
the server are able to fire off requests for some form of data like
"void getTransactionsForAccount(Account acct)" then at some unknown
later time (ms to seconds ussually) when a response comes in from the
RPC call the eventbus is what actually directly recives the data and
then it is dispatched

Client UI: "Hey call some RPC method with these parameters, my
AsyncCallback is this EventBus thing"

...some unknown time passes while the server does magic...

Client Event Bus: "A response came in of type X/Y/Z I should fire an
event to all interested parties"

Client UI: "According to this event I just recieved some of my UI code
needs to change"

A few things are still very hazy for me...

1- What is missing here is when would the Client UI typically
subscribe/unsubscribe from the event bus.  If this were a desktop
application I would simply use weak reference so I would not have to
unsubscribe my UI manually to prevent a memory leak.

2- Is there some EventBus code I should be using that already exists
in the GWT SDK?  Is this the same code that is used for handling
widget events like clicking a button?

3- Would you typically have one eventbus code for everything?

4- How does this tie in with the MVP pattern?

If anybody else watched the video I would be curious what they have to
say.  Also Ray Ryan mentioned he was going to be creating a new demo
application for GWT developers to see this sort of thing in action.
That would be awesome, does anybody have any thoughts on this as well?

Thanks in advance for your comments.
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