The fact that it works when in Hosted mode in IE, but not when it's
deployed is making me think it is a security thing. I'm just not sure
the work around. I've tried various security settings, but can't get
it to show up. THe path looks right to the clear cache, not sure waht
else could be messing this up. Cause it looks like it's putting the
correct image sizes (Things next to it are pushed over correctly).

Very peculiar. I've even noticed that Tree +/- are missing as well as
disclosure panel's arrows. So it's not just my image bundles, but
GWT's are having a hard time. Very confusing. I'll keep playing with
it, see if I can figure something out.

On Jul 18, 11:25 am, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:
> On 18 juil, 00:34, Sean <> wrote:
> > Sadly, even with clean war file, IE still is having problems. I wonder
> > if it's some security level thing? I'm not sure. IE won't allow me to
> > turn down my settings to try it. Wont let me go lower then Medium for
> > non-intranet sites. I don't know why an ImageBundle would be
> > considered non-secure, but at this point I'm just confused.
> It could be two things:
>  - a bad path to the bundle (IE is known to have some bugs re.
> resolving relative paths, though it shouldn't affect ImageBundles; but
> maybe if you're "playing" with the paths when deploying your app)
>  - ImageBundles use an ActiveX (filter: AlphaImageLoader), so it might
> really be a security thing.
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