
In GWT1.5 and prior the decimalSeparator for the ZA (South Africa in
case you wondering) locale use to be a '.'  and since GWT 1.6 it has
changed to a ','.  This is in the NumberConstants_en_ZA.properties
file. I am uncertain about the reason for this change, but to my best
knowledge it is supposed to be a '.' .

This is easy enough to workaround, but needs to be addressed I guess.

GWT 1.5 NumberContants_en_ZA.properties
decimalSeparator = .
groupingSeparator = ,
percent = %
zeroDigit = 0
plusSign = +
minusSign = -
exponentialSymbol = E
perMill = \u2030
infinity = \u221E
notANumber = NaN
monetarySeparator = .
monetaryGroupingSeparator = ,
decimalPattern = #,##0.###
scientificPattern = 0.###E0
percentPattern = #,##0%
currencyPattern = \u00A4#,##0.00
defCurrencyCode = ZAR

GWT 1.7 NumberContants_en_ZA.properties
decimalSeparator = ,
groupingSeparator = \u00A0
percent = %
zeroDigit = 0
plusSign = +
minusSign = -
exponentialSymbol = E
perMill = \u2030
infinity = \u221E
notANumber = NaN
monetarySeparator = ,
monetaryGroupingSeparator = \u00A0
decimalPattern = #,##0.###
scientificPattern = #E0
percentPattern = #,##0%
currencyPattern = \u00A4#,##0.00
defCurrencyCode = ZAR

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