I personally did the layout all in code. I originally used a DockPanel
and realized that I was only using WEST, NORTH, and CENTER. And being
in a DockPanel limited me. So I ended up swapping out (Fairly easily)
for a VerticalPanel with either Widgets or a HorizontalPanel in it.
While the widgets were all set in code, I still have a lot of
flexibility to change things with CSS. This also allows the widgets to
all "speak" to each other if you so choose.

On Aug 11, 6:48 am, Oskar Hannesson <osk...@centrum.is> wrote:
> Hello.
> Can anyone give me a hint what layout technique is best suitable for
> GWT.
> Should I use <tables> , <iframe>, <div> or even construct the page in
> code by using DockPanel.
> I tried the iframe but I had trouble directing the response message to
> a different iframe.
> I also got DockPanel to work but i'm not sure if it is a good idea to
> do the layout in code entirely.
> Thanks
> Oskar H.
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