Yeah I know the feeling,

My app was taking around 20-30 seconds to load for the first time -
after the first load it was nearly instant

I've tested with Google Page Speed and Page Activity as well, and I
come to realize that the biggest problem is the huge amount of JS
scrips ( at least for me ), Gzip compression helped a lot, in my case,
around 7-10 seconds.

As the GWT application itself is just pure JS in the client side, a
"solution" I've used that helped a lot the user experience, is to load
the application in the background.

In my case, I load the login screen first - and it does it very
quickly, around 1-2 second(s) - and while the user is still logging in
the application I load all the other parts of the application,
starting from the parts I think the user will use first. So while the
user logs in, and take a look to the main page, all the application is
loading without his perception - except for the firefox status
spinner : P

And then 10-15 seconds comes to be a acceptable time, since my users
take just around that time to make a login and try to use any other
funcionality after doing it.

But of course, I agree that GWT could be better in both performance
and best practices, but if you look at the generated code, you will
see that that ship is sailed.

The browsers are not so compliant to the standards as they could, and
the guys from the GWT team can't do miracles.

Take a look at gzip compression and and partitioned loading for gwt

I know I didn't actually answered you question, but this might help
your performance.

Good luck!

On 17 ago, 07:12, Rodders <> wrote:
> GWT comes with "default" CSS. If I create a bunch of reuseable Modules
> (packaged as Jars for use by some of our other internal development
> teams) with our own corporate style, the compiled application loads 2
> stylesheets (the "default", and "company" for example).
> If one of our development teams uses those Modules to create a new app
> and adds some CSS specific to that app the compiled application loads
> 3 stylesheets ("default", "company" and "application").
> These stylesheets are not "minified" or combined, this can't be
> correct as Google's own page performance tool states that HTTP
> requests should be reduced and css files combinded - I must be doing
> something wrong?
> However, one of the GWT example apps I've seen is loading over 1Mb
> data in 59 http requests and takes about 11 secs to load...
> Can anyone point me at a good tutorial on how to create reuseable
> modules that don't break web app performance best practices?
> Thanks.
> Rodders
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