
So I pulled the latest Galileo Eclipse release, and obtained the GWT
plugin from dl.google.
The demo helloServer app works without problem, and I have played
around with things a bit and it seems fine with the hosted browser and
so on.

I wanted to start using the Gears code, and it seems that there is no
plugin for this.  Why is this the case?

Oh well, so I pull the gears gwt stuff, and unpacked it, and dropped
the jar files into the dropins folder on my eclipse installation.
I create a project called test, and make sure it performs its
helloServer ok.

On the top of my Test.java file I then add
import com.google.gwt.gears.client.Factory;
import com.google.gwt.gears.client.database.Database;
import com.google.gwt.gears.client.database.DatabaseException;
import com.google.gwt.gears.client.database.ResultSet;
because I will be using that later.

I also add
 <inherits name='com.google.gwt.gears.Gears'/>
to my .gwt.xml file.

I reload the live server thing and :
"Unable to find 'com/google/gwt/gears/Gears.gwt.xml' on your
classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath
entry for source?"
And it hangs on the web page at the point where it should be making
the TextField.

I suppose I am not understanding how this dropins folder is meant to

Why is it looking for Gears.gwt.xml?  There is no such file in the
gears.gwt dist.

Anyway, struggle onwards, right click on my project, go to Properties,
into the Java Build Path, Add External Jars, and stick in the external
jar file gwt-gears.jar into the project.

So, now the IDE seems a little happier with things.  I have a warning
there saying I am not using the gwt.Gears stuff, and am including it
for no reason but its happy that it knows what gwt gears is now.

The live browser thing is a total basket case now.  It no longer can
even find test.html its giving me a 404 and masses of error messages.

Ok.... so.. I run a compile, setting the it to debug level
information, and it compiles happily.

Note, I have not modified the code really at this point, its still the
helloServer stuff I started off with.  I just added jar file to the
project, modified the xml file, and added a few includes.

I'm running gwt-gears-1.2.1, gwt 1.7, my vm with which I run eclipse
is java 6 from sun, in Eclipse version Galileo, on Ubuntu Jaunty, on a
64 bit machine, compiling against the 32bit libs as seemingly demanded
by gwt.

Any ideas?

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