Our application uses both, depending on quite a few factors. In some
cases we are putting data into Flash (.swf) components, and need it in
XML, so we use a 'raw' HTTP request to get the data. In most other
cases we use GWT RPC to retreive data from the server, or to initiate
actions in the server. There really is no single answer, it just
depends on your application.

We have considered moving away from GWT RPC more than once, thinking
we might provide an 'open interface' or web-service interface, but so
far the convenience of RPC has been the overwhelming reason we are
continuing to use it.

I guess you could say, if there is no need to make the service
available to anything other than your GWT client, then use RPC, but if
you want to open the interface to 3rd parties, other apps or anything
like that, consider using HTTP.


On Aug 18, 5:56 pm, venki <pola.ve...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi to all,
> I am new to GWT. I read GWT communication with server tutorial. It
> provides various mechanisms to communicate with the server. Any way i
> know how to use GWT RPC and HTTP mechanism to communicate with
> server.
> I request all of you can you give perfect explanation to when should
> we use RPC mechanism and when should we use HTTP mechanism. I mean at
> what type instances we are forced to use particular mechanism.
> Great thanks in advance..
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