I should add, that this not only completely stops our GWT-based
from loading whenever someone is connected via a mobile connection
with a provider who is injecting this bmi.js-script (see below).

When on such a mobile connection that uses this script,
not even the GWT Showcase at http://gwt.google.com/samples/Showcase
(Sites based on older GWT 1.5 versions seem to load without a problem)

One can load the application in the same browser and just switch
connection to mobile and back to normal DSL connection and the problem
and disappears.

One workaround is to reload each page with Shift-F5, which apparently
disables this compression. Or you can block the script and it works,
however none of this is a general solution for the average user.

For some reason when the bmi.js script is used, Firebug shows that all
requests that should go to /<my-module-name>/myfile.abc just go to /
myfile.abc - where (obviously) the file is not found - thus nothing is
loaded at all. (GWT 1.7.0)

Does anybody have any idea why this could be happening or how to fix
Maybe this script somehow messes up the order of injected javascript?

Best regards

On Aug 27, 1:56 pm, Sebastian <sebastian.ga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> we are experiencing a problem with the loading of GWT on mobile
> broadband connections.
> Some providers add a script called bmi.js to any site. This script is
> supposed to increase speed by compressing images, etc.
> http://forum.vodafone.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=8611http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/iewebdevelopment/thread...
> One version of this script can be found 
> here:http://www.joomla-office.net/cms/datenkomprimierung-bei-umts.html?sta...
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