I do this in my application.  My background GWT Image is placed inside
an AbsolutePanel.  Smaller image icons (which trigger a popup) are GWT
Image objects placed on the AbsolutePanel at the (x,y) received in the
mouse-up handler (part of the MouseUpEvent).

On Sep 3, 1:49 pm, jonty <bharat.cha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am using GWT1.7. I am facing some problems with image layering. I am
> using Image api to add image to panel. Once I add the image I want to
> add another image on top of that on mouseclick at the click location.
> Please help me on how to solve this problem. Can this be done with GWT
> 1.7? If yes how it can be done ? If not what is another alternative ?
> Thanks
> Bharat
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