
I'm not sure exactly whether this thread is about a Jx or GWT issue.

In a html page, I try to display a GWT div within a Jx component.

The following example works fine with IE but not Firefox where the
panel is empty and the GWT divs are not resolved when I inspect the
page with Firebug.

p1 = new Jx.Panel({label: 'My Title 1'});
p1.content.id = 'gwt_id_1';
var p2 = new Jx.Panel({label: 'My Title 2'});
p2.content.id = 'gwt_id_2';
var pm = new Jx.PanelManager('PanelPane', [p1, p2]);

However, if I do:

new Jx.Layout('gwt_id_1', {top: 60, bottom: 22, width: 250, left:

Then the div with id gwt_id_1 is resolved correctly in Firefox (and
also IE).

Thanks in advance if you see anything that looks wrong with the code.
Might be a bug in Firefox?

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