
In my app, clients can create elements. So a client creates a few
elements, and then presses the save button. In the database, I have
element.id, element.name etc. Now, as the save button is pressed I
figure I'll make an RPC call passing the elements on the wire and
insert the elements into the database. Then I'll somehow return the
database id's to the client, which then would sets client element.id
property map the client element to its counterpart in the database.
But how do I know which id's go to which element in the client?

How do you do this stuff? Is this even a viable approach? I don't want
to create an empty element in the database every time an element is
created on the client and send the id. I want the client to create
elements and then press save, which creates them in the database and
maps these to what the client has.

Kind regards,


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