Sounds like a tricky problem. I haven't worked with menu bars so I'm
not sure this will work. What I'm thinking is that you could use a
placeholder menu bar in the table cell that doesn't have any menu
items. Then, when that is clicked on, display a PopupPanel with the
real menu bar and position it relative to the placeholder menu bar.
You may have to play with styling on the PopupPanel to remove any
decoration and/or margins to get the effect right. You'll also have to
capture which menu item (assuming there's more than one) was clicked
on the placeholder and simulate a click on the corresponding item in
the real menu bar.

Or maybe you can do away with the menu bar in the table cell
altogether and make your own drop-down menu using PopupPanels. It
depends on what you're looking for in terms of user interface feel.


On Nov 22, 10:56 am, Sudeep S <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a req wherein I have to add a menubar widget to every row in a
> flextable. When the menubar is clicked it opens but it also expands the
> cell in which it is placed distorting the layout.
> Any ideas on this one.
> Thanks
> Sudeep


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