I have a simple FadeAnimation (extending Animation) that fades (using
opacity style) an object in and out of visibility when the user clicks
on a button. My MouseDownHandler is not being invoked during the
animation in IE8. It does get invoked in FF and Chrome.

If I make the animation take a long time (500ms) and I click in rapid
succession, my first click starts the animation, my second click
ALWAYS does nothing, my third click will sometimes be registered and
it cancels the animation and does what I expect. My third click
appears to be around 250ms (outputting the progress value to console),
half way through the animation. My second click must be happening
around 100ms and it is not being registered. If my animation is only
200ms, clicks during the animation are never registered. This is not

The Animation class does the schedule interval for 25ms.
Unfortunately, there is no setter so that I can change this value to
see if IE could respond to clicks if the events weren't so close
together. Though 25ms is a good value and I think it would be
ridiculous if IE simply can't monitor user events if very simple code
is running every 25ms (indeed, the fading code is very simple!).

Has anyone else had any similar experiences?

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