When you use Eclipse Google plugin to create a new EntryPoint class,
it gives you one with a simple RPC example with a DialogBox. I
translated the DialogBox to a UIBinder.

        <g:DialogBox ui:field="dialogBox" text="Remote Procedure Call">
                        <g:Label>Sending name to the server:</g:Label>
                        <g:Label ui:field="textToServerLabel"/>
                        <g:Label>Server replies:</g:Label>
                        <g:HTML ui:field="serverResponseLabel"/>
                        <g:Button ui:field="close" text="Close"/>

But GWT complains about unrecognised text in g:VerticalPanel about
these three attributes.


The example ran successfully after I removed those three lines.
OK, how then do set style, animation and alignment in

No, no, no ... not in the Java code, phleaze. Don't want to write
extra code to connect uibinder elements to set methods of GWT widgets.

Otherwise, what's the point in using UIBinder? It would be so much
less tedious using plain old GWT.

Where's the manual for UIBinder indicating/explaining all the usable
attributes in each corresponding GWT widget.

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