I currently have a GWT app that I'm looking to break into separate
modules.  The build system is currently Maven2 and utilizing the gwt-
maven-plugin[1].  When reading over the documentation on how to do
this, I wonder what exactly are the requirements around the source
code for a module being available for packaging another module.  Does
the source (*.java)  have to be in the same jar or does it just have
to be on the classpath?

Maven's general approach is to make source available in a secondary
artifact using the maven-source-jar[2].  This is nice because it
removes bloat from my endstates but also I don't have to worry about
shipping source code to each of my clients.

So do I have to have *.java files in my jar or are there other means
of accomplishing this to make the GWT compiler happy?

Thanks for your help,

[1] - http://mojo.codehaus.org/gwt-maven-plugin/user-guide/multiproject.html
[2] - http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-source-plugin/jar-mojo.html

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