I also don't like the EventBus approach. In my opinion, it decouples
exactly the wrong things: While it acts like something you can just
throw events onto, and you don't have to care who will handle them, in
the end you actually do care. So the coupling is invisible, but
logically it's still there. Things get really nasty, as soon as event
handlers have to be coordinated (meaning they're not 100%
independent). The 'fireInReverseOrder' field of the HandlerManager
class is symptomatic.

What we've got here is basically a publisher subscriber pattern, which
is a great pattern, if and only if the publisher and all subscribers
are absolutely independent (like in a message feed). But with GUIs
that's very often not the case.

So instead of using an EventBus, I'd do the following: Introduce an
'Operation' interface, and inject operations into your presenters. The
presenter then binds these operations. So you get decoupling,
testability [*], and allows for much better static analysis of your

In the projects that I've tried both approaches (non-GWT projects), I
found the difference is huge, especially when you encounter a bug.


[*] Note: Avoids the ServiceLocator pattern, so it doesn't violate the
law of demeter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_Of_Demeter . The
EventBus basically plays the role of a ServiceLocator from the
sender's and receiver's point of view. You don't really know what's in
there, and you use the EventBus to get the thing that you actually
want indirectly.

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