Wow, that sounds good! I'm really happy to hear that GPE will make
this available.

There's one additional thing I'd like to be able to do: Split up the
WebContainer part and the GWT part into two projects. This is
currently not so easy, because
- you'll need to have the web.xml in both projects and keep them in
sync. I'd really like to have the web.xml in the Web project, not in
the GWT project.
- it's necessary to copy the GWT-compiled output folder from the GWT
project into the Web project (I think, at least every time the
serialization policy file changes (?)).

Are there any plans for GPE to support this kind of project splitting?


On Feb 18, 5:40 pm, Keith Platfoot <> wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Thanks for posting this.  It's a good explanation of how to get WTP and GPE
> 1.2 working together, which is not a trivial task.  However, in the next
> release of the plugin we're planning on making this integration a whole lot
> easier<>
> .
> With GPE 1.3, you'll be able to adapt an existing Dynamic Web Project as a
> GWT project and debug using hosted/dev mode quite easily.  Here's a sneak
> preview of how this will work in GPE 1.3:
> 1. In your project's Properties dialog, select Google > Web Toolkit and
> check the box: *Use Google Web Toolkit*.
> 2. Switch to the Web Application property page and change *WAR source
> directory* to "WebContent" and uncheck the box: *Also use this directory as
> the output WAR directory.*
> *
> *
> 3. Start your project's server (be it GlassFish, Tomcat, etc.) using your
> configured WTP server adapter.
> 4. Create a new Web Application launch configuration.  On the Server tab,
> uncheck: *Run built-in server* (since we want to use WTP's server adapter)
> and on the GWT tab, change the -startupUrl argument to point to your server
> (e.g.http://localhost:8080/WebApp)
> 5. Run/Debug your new launch configuration.  The first time you do this,
> you'll have to select the location of the WAR directory WTP is publishing to
> (this is configurable, but I think by default it is
> <workspace>/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps/ 
> <project>).
> 6. Presto!  GWT hosted/dev mode is now running in your own server, and you
> can debug either server-side or client-side code, and get automatic redeploy
> of modified class files or static resources thanks to WTP's auto-publish
> mechanism.
> We're going to be uploading a preview built of GPE 1.3 later this month so
> you can try it out for yourself and let us know what you think, ahead of the
> official release.  Stay tuned!
> Keith

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