On Mar 24, 5:09 pm, Nathan Wells <nwwe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You're correct, in more complex environments where a more robust
> property provider is necessary, my approach wouldn't do much good. But
> then, I'm not talking about handling those use cases. The goal is to
> not make an unnecessary request, and if I have the user agent in the
> server on the initial request, I know everything that the vanilla
> property-provider uses, unless I'm mistaken.
> Also, when I was referring to generating the code I was talking about
> at GWT compile time.

AFAICT, that's why Wave does. If I were to do it (and I guess that's
how they did it), I'd use a @LinkOrder(Order.PRIMARY) linker to
generate a JSP page instead of the *.nocache.js selection script.
Such a linker couldn't be generalized though, it'd have to be specific
to each project: different JSP template (could be worked around
though), different deferred binding properties, etc. though in the
simplest case (you don't introduce any new deferred binding property)
it would just work!
...with the added benefit that you can do conneg on the lang at the
same time, as you have the Accept-Language request header!

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