Hi all.

I'm beginning to build a set of GWT applications for a client.

The clients customers will purchase a set of these applications (not
necessarily all of them) and when deployed these applications will
work together (imagine, for example, a 'Contacts' app, a 'Billing'
app, 'Timerecording' etc), linking back and forward between
information in each.

The client has a requirement that each app is independently
deployable.  This would rule out the option of a monolithic compile
despite its many advantages (optimization, memory footprint etc)

- However they would also like the apps to all exist in a single
window, to prevent confusion about pop-ups etc
- And all of this has to work on relatively low powered machines and
be IE6 compatible

Possible options are iframes or a portal framework but in my view both
of those are fairly horrible.  Iframes are going to mean history and
inter app communication issues.  Portal frameworks mean an extra layer
of effort, especially working out how to integrate the inter-portal
communication with gwt.

Alternatively I need to work out how to circumvent their independently
deployable requirement.  Certainly there are enormous advantages to
the single GWT compile.  The problem for the client is that if the UI
has a common custom widget used in a couple of the apps, modifying it
would mean retesting all apps that make use of it.  One solution to
this I suppose is total codebase independence, with no common
dependencies, or versioned widgets somehow, and I could argue for that
style of approach.

So I was wondering, does anyone have any alternative ideas, or
thoughts about how they would approach the same situation



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