
I have a serialization issue to solve, where a class that is passed to
the client, and is marked as IsSerializable, with a default no arg
constructor, does not end up in the whitelist.  There are no messages
during the gwt compile (at debug level)

1.  Does anyone have any thoughts about how I could automatically test
for, or fail a build, if this is the case?
2.  Does anyone know how I can get detailed information from GWT about
this type of issue?
3.  Anybody got any ideas what the problem itself is? :) (Are there
issues with generic types and serialization?  Do I have to explicitly
whitelist the variations I want to use somehow?)

Thanks if anyone has the time to look


My specific problem is as follows: Type
'com.itf.shared.actions.ResponseWithPayload' was not included in the
set of types which can be serialized by this SerializationPolicy

With the following command pattern style interface (where
SingleQuestion is itself in the whitelist)

1.  The service

public interface ApplicationService extends RemoteService {
    <T extends IResponse> T execute(ICommand<T> action);

2. The command

public class SingleQuestionRequest implements
ICommand<ResponseWithPayload<SingleQuestion>>, IsSerializable {
    public SingleQuestionRequest() {

3.  The response class that doesn't end up in the whitelist

public class ResponseWithPayload<T> implements IResponse,
IsSerializable {
    private T payload;

    private ResponseWithPayload() {

    public ResponseWithPayload(T payload) {
        this.payload = payload;

    public T getPayload() {
        return payload;

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