Hi all,

Just to let anyone know who stumbles across this thread.

I have found out what was causing my DevMode to stop working and not
hit my breakpoints.

Within my gwt.xml definition file I was using the 'xs' linker as my
script can be deployed on multiple websites.

If you specify this linker DevMode does debug successfully.

So if you comment out the linker whilst you are debugging and remember
to uncomment the linker for deployment - everything should be hunky


On Apr 1, 12:49 pm, eggsy84 <jimbob...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all
> Has anyone noticed that GWT has stopped working in DevMode since GWT
> 2.0.3?
> I have previously managed to get debugging working:
> http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/browse_thread/threa...
> But after updating to the latest version of GWT I am no longer hitting
> my breakpoints?
> Also I have noticed that if I uninstall the GWT plugin in from Firefox
> 3.5.8 then attempt to hit the debug URL again it now doesn't ask me to
> install the plugin?
> Has something changed with the GWT plugin for Firefox?
> My environment is a Ubuntu 9.10 x64 machine
> As far as I am aware other than upgrading GWT I haven't changed
> anything else? I have made that that I have recompiled my GWT code
> also.
> Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong?
> Many thanks in advance,
> Eggsy

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