I'm a little foggy on how the "Working Module" is suppose to work with
a build system and if inheritance takes place.  I've read the
documentation at 
"Renaming modules" section.  That looks pretty simple, but I'm not
getting the desired experience.  So here's a little background of how
our environment is setup.

Module Layout / Inheritance:
    - UserObjects.gwt.xml
        - UserUI.gwt.xml
        - CustomerUI.gwt.xml
        - AdminUI.gwt.xml
    - IPTools.gwt.xml

So roughtly, UserObjects.gwt.xml is inherits CommonCore.gwt.xml,
UserUI.gwt.xml inherits UserObjects.gwt.xml and CommonCore.gwt.xml,
etc.  At the moment I'm able to directly modify CommonCore.gwt.xml and
set user.agent=gecko1_8 and locale=default and the compile time via
ant of our projects is reduced by about 9 minutes. I also rand the GWT
Compiler with log level INFO to see that only 1 permutation is being

So we'd be done, but we're afraid a developer might accidental commit
their user.agent and locale settings and we end up with support for
one browser in production.

So that's why the documentation about "Renaming modules" and the
concept of a "Working Module" was very appealing. So our hope was to
create one "Working Module" for CommonCore.gwt.xml to handle

Our project structure is pretty typical:
  - com.company.common
      - CommonCore.gwt.xml
  - com.company.common.client
  .... etc

So we added a DevCommonCore.gwt.xml module that looks like this:
<module rename-to="com.company.common.CommonCore">
        <inherits name="com.company.common.CommonCore" />
        <!-- Developers: Set this to your test browser, values are "ie6 ie8
gecko gecko1_8 safari opera" -->
        <!-- <set-property name="user.agent" value="ie6,gecko1_8" /> -->
        <set-property name="user.agent" value="gecko1_8" />
        <set-property name="locale" value="default" />

When doing an ant build after this one change has been put in place
produced a compile less that all permutations, but greater than 1

So one question I had is does all other modules that have <inherits
"com.company.common.CommonCore" /> now actually inherit

The other issue I was wording is that in the ant compile you specify
the module name so I tried passing com.company.common.DevCommonCore if
a property was set for deployment=dev.  This build fine, but all GWT
modules after that didn't work.

So ultimately I'm asking how far off was I in my thinking?  Do I have
to create a "working module" for each module?  Is there changes I have
to make to the entrypoint?  I think not based on the fact that I'm

Any help would be most appreciate.


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